I received a mail from my dad (yay!) about the fake eggs made from China. Kids in all around Asia were dying to eat sweets and snacks but despite of all the fake melamine sweets and snacks, tainted babies milk powders, scandals originate from China, kids don't get their parents' faith to do so.
Here's come the next generation of FAKE EGGS!!!
(another most made money stuff in China)
woo hoo~

Beware you guys and girls!
During a recent raid on a wholesale centre in Guangzhou city, the capital of China 's Guangdong province, a large quantity of fake eggs was seized.
Their wholesale price is 0.15 yuan (S$0.03) each - half the price of a real egg.
Consumers have a
hard time telling a genuine egg from a fake one. The article includes a photograph supposedly showing one of the fake eggs along side a real egg. However, there is
no way of telling from the photograph if one of the eggs is fake or not.

Those who have tasted it say,
the fake stuff tastes very much like the real thing, even tastier than the real one!
which is harmful and actually, simply easy to find.
+ To make the egg white, various ingredients, including a powder and alum, are mixed together.+ The 'yolk' is shaped in the round mould. 'Magic water' containing calcium chloride is used.+ Hardy shells are formed by pouring paraffin wax and a liquid onto the egg, which are then left to dry.
And experts warn of the danger of eating fake eggs. Not only do they
not contain any nutrients, a Hong Kong Chinese University professor warned that long-term consumption of alum could cause
dementia. And aluminum has been linked to
Alzheimer's disease.
Examination revealed that the fake egg was made from calcium carbonate, starch, resin, gelatin and other chemical products.I mean c'mon guys!! You're not going to eat these stuffs right? RIGHT??!
So, it's recommended to READ THE LABEL (TWICE) before buying!